Friday, October 2, 2015

British National Cycle Network: Chew Valley Lake Loop and Stone Circles


I've been trying to do 1 to 2 hour bike rides after work to stay active and fit and explore around a bit.  I usually find little trails or bike paths to take. They're not super intense rides as I'm looking around, doing some route finding, and munching on blackberries.  This afternoon's ride was especially nice. I got to see the sunset from up on some hills above Bristol and then the nearly full moon rise.  I met a guy while I was watching the moon rise. He said he had lived in Felton (the little village I was near) all his life and there is no place he'd rather live. He was probably in his 50's. He pointed towards his house and said "I have me chickens and ducks over there" and then pointed to his fields and said "I have me cows and horses over there"  He was a very friendly and nice guy.


The "colorado days" keep coming.  No clouds in the sky most of the day.  I did a loop bike route on the national cycle network known as the chew valley lake loop.  It went through some very nice British countryside.  I like going through the countryside around british.  It's somehow cute and cozy and just how you imagine English countryside from movies and books.  It's very green, full of hedges, and all the houses are made of stone. It's very quiet and the roads are all incredibly narrow.

The loop took me through Chew Magna town, which is a historic town with lots of old buildings.  The route also took me past Chew Lake. I got off my bike and did a couple mile hike on a nature trail along the shores of the lake.  I took a bit of a side route to get to Stanton Drew, which is Britain's 2nd largest collection of standing stone circles.  It's much bigger than the famous Stonehenge, but it's in much more ruin than Stonehenge.  But I'm guessing it was constructed by similar people as Stonehenge and for similar reasons. They date it as being built around 3000 BC.

It was a beautiful sunny and "hot" (mid 60's) day and perfect for a bike ride. In all I biked about 30 miles.

When I got home Elizabeth told me that the folk lore about the stones is this. A hundred years ago or so, there was a Saturday wedding at the church there and afterwards people were dancing in the fields to an amazing fiddle player.  Back then, there was a church rule that there couldn't be dancing on the Sabbath.  The people were having such an amazing time that they begged the fiddle player to keep playing past midnight.  Well, at the stroke of midnight, God turned all the dancing folks to stone.  Interestingly there was a wedding getting out at that very church when I was there. It was definitely a fancy and rich wedding. The outfits and hats the women were wearing were quite amazing. Reminded me of the pomp and circumstance at Kate Middleton and Prince William's wedding in London.

The Judy! Steam engine with the same name as my mom

The Judy puffing away

bike path in the country

You come across Holsteins here and there

Full Moon rising

sweet light coming through the trees

Very low tide with the full moon

Chew Lake

I get a kick out of pub names. Some are really cool.  I figure this would be a good name for a pub owned by mom and dad

Chew Magna Historic Church and cemetary

sometimes you come across very impressive manors in the countryside. Most you can't good photos of b/c they are behind walls and hedges.  This "small"manor had it's gate open

Stone Circles of Stanton Drew

my bike and the stone circles

Info on the stone circles

these things pretty much line the bike paths everywhere

Bristol streets

Bridge over the River Avon


Elisha Dawn said...

Looks fun biking around!

Traveling Trav said...

you'd surely enjoy it