Monday, December 3, 2018

Turkey on Ice


Today we celebrated Thanksgiving in McMurdo. It was sunny, but cold and blustery. No matter, we still dressed up for the Turkey trot, which was fun as always. People were all dressed up in costumes, and the Wall Street Journal was even there to cover our Thanksgiving (as well as the sciene around here). I was interviewed and quoted in the article, which you can read here:   Also, you can see Elisha and me in the video in various places

1:27 Me at starting line (blue hair, flag vest)
2:00 Elisha running in pink jacket, cat ears
2:09 Elisha running
2:12 Solo shot of me running
2:37 Elisha and me walking in the background

I went sleeveless and wore a sequined USA flag vest, a wild blue hair wig, sunglasses mom got me from the 5 and dime, and a red cape. Elisha wore a cat ears and mask, bright pink coat, purple ballerina skirt, and cat leggings. There at about mile 1.5, there was a full service bar you could stop at, and at mile 2 a hug morale station. Always a fun race! I was slower and more out of shape than last year (though not sick this time), and I ended up finishing 4th overall, 3rd for Americans, and 1st of those wearing a costume. My finishing time was 22:47 for a tough hilly 5k course. Not to mention the drag caused by the cape in the strong wind!

Elisha and I went to the 3pm dinner. I got my usual drumstick and lots of pecan and pumpkin pie! We sat at a small table this year, joining my co-workers and friends, Spring and Laura, and a Crary friend, Marci. We all dressed up. It's always interesting to see all of the McMurdo crowd out of their carhearts and grubby clothes, all dressed up with combed hair and trimmed beards.

After dinner, we went to a chill party in the lounge hosted by the Haz Waste department where they were serving yummy old-fashions. We chilled there for a long while before heading to the BFC (Berg Field Center) for a more dancey party. Eventually we made our way to Gallaghers Bar where there was live music, including the really awesome Condition Fun. They play McM themed songs, often to well-known tunes. So they're always funny and the crowd really gets into it and sings, dances, and sways along.


It was a super beautiful day, so after brunch, we skied up and back to Castle Rock. It was warm (high of 34), sunny, and without a breath of wind, so it was t-shirt weather skiing! We had a really nice and long dinner with friends and then watch a Guy family holiday season tradition movie: Love Actually

They were doing a competition to see who the person would be who would read the answering machine message when someone calls the station after hours (there is a number you can call to reach us, but it goes to the firehouse and then is a hassle to try and get us--and they get annoyed--which is why we call you). They called it McMurdo The Voice. Contestants sat behind a barrier and then read some, often funny, piece they had written. We then voted for our favorite voice. I voted for Dale Rivers who has a famous (in McM) scratchy voice over the radio.


During our Castle Rock trip, Elisha noticed someone had taken a poo outside of the warming shelter. This is not allowed in Antarctica and is considered a release, so today, my enviro team and I took a snowcat up to the apple to shovel it out. Fun to get to drive a snowcat!

Waste lead james as a turkey

Clair, Elisha, and Neal

Start of the Turkey Trot

Me finishing the turkey trot

Our friend Jesse as bird-man

Elisha finishing the trot

Racing up the crary hill

Thanksgiving crew: L to R: Laura, Elisha, Spring, Me, Marci 

Elisha on Castle Rock

Poop clean up team

scooping the poop

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