Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Icy Emotions


A new McMurdo band performed tonight: Fleetwood Mac-town. (McMurdo is often affectionately known as Mactown). They played cover songs from Fleetwood Mac's Rumours Album. They were really good, and we had fun.


It was a crazy warm day--50F-- which broke a February's all-time high (48F in 1996). After brunch and some travel planning, Elisha and I walked to Scott Base and then out to Hut Point where there was some penguins hanging around. We had a big storm the day before, and the storm had completely blown all the ice out from the sound, so we have nothing but calm (at the moment) blue water as far as the eye can see. With the calm water, we could even see a minke whale in the distance.

The town folk were out and about. Lots hiking, but as walked through the buildings there were people out in hammocks, people eating pizza and drinking beer outside in the sunshine, several guys playing guitar outside, and many other just lounging around outside.

This is the last season for the beloved coffee house due to the station remodel. It's one of my favorite buildings, and I have some fond memories in it. I've had some good game nights there, Elisha and I used to watch movies in the "theater" section of it back when we didn't share a room, I've done travel planning there, seen great open mic nights, and it's where Elisha first sang and played guitar for me. It's this strange 3-tubed Quonset hut building.

Last night they hosted a last gala to say goodbye to the coffee house: a 2.5 hour long acoustic music show featuring a lot of my favorite singers and groups here. It was pretty emotional for me, partly b/c of the coffee house going away, but mostly b/c if it's our last season down here, then I'm really going to miss this place and the people. As I sat and listened to the music I was thinking how talented everyone is down here and how close the community is and how unique the community is. Everyone is so supportive, and as I looked around I could see all my smiling friends and could remember memories I had with each of them. I think back in the real world, outside of small college campuses and the few remaining small and real ski towns (e.g. Crested Butte), there aren't communities like the one here, filled with a tight knit group of people who are in to having fun and socializing and volunteering and just being very active and supportive of each other. And definitely rare in this world is a place where people aren't constantly on their phones. But you can never be bored here, there is always someone putting some event on, or some sport going on, or what not. So it makes me sad and makes me introspective as I think about this possibly being the last season and missing such a community.

This time always starts to bring up such emotions as the C-17 has started flying again, which means it is coming regularly to take our friends away. Something I really love about here is that at the transport time (when people walk from the check in area on station to the big-wheeled vehicle that will drive them to the runway), a large group will materialize to form a hug line between the building and vehicle to wish everyone goodbye.

Team Enviro

Record breaking temps

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