Monday, August 27, 2012

Stuck in ChristChurch


I was all ready and packed to fly out this morning.  I had a 10 o'clock pickup to the airport, but at 9, I got a call to stay where I was and that I would have another night at the hotel bc for some reason our flight had been delayed again.  I am on the 2nd winfly flight and the first one actually made it in yesterday while I was skiing.  Well actually I was on the 3rd winfly flight, but have been combined with the 2nd.

So today is just kind of a hang-out day.  There isn't too much to do in Christchurch especially since the city center is closed for demolition from the earthquake and it's winter so the beach isn't too appealing.  Probably just going to hang out in the afternoon and maybe watch some tv and do some computer work.

This morning I headed out towards the city center and the River Avon.  However, the city center itself is still completely closed off, so there's not tons to explore.  It's just really unbelievable how much damage the earthquake caused.  Right now I am accessing free wi fi at this new shopping area called the re: start mall, which is made entirely out of mill van containers (the kinds of containers you use to ship things on cargo ships and trains).

Unless I can do more skiing, I think I am kind of ready to get to the ice.  Well, only bc of one reason.  Everyday that goes by that I don't go, it gets 30 minutes of more light down there.  I really want to see Antarctica in the dark bc of the aurora australis and stars and such thing.  Other than that, though, I am quite happy and content to be hanging out in Christchuch.  Basically getting paid to be on vacation.  Just hanging around and relaxing with friends around.  And eating lots of good food on per diem.  Christchurch has an amazing amount of authentic carry out/dine in asian places from Malay to Thai to Indo to Indian to Egyptian, and I really enjoy eating those tasty foods as well as attempting to practice the few phrases from those countries I remember.  At my favorite thai takeout place the lady there is so cute and funny.  And everyday she asks if I am flying out tomorrow, and I say "yes" and she says, "well then I will see you tomorrow" and laughs her cute thai sing song laugh.  She tells me she sees 10 young american men a day and they all tell her they are leaving and then she always sees them again.


Got the call that we were cancelled again, so I headed over to Jeff's hotel to hang out with Jeff and Gavin.  We ended up going to some outdoor cafe place to get lunch and mulled winter wine and ended up staying for a while to drink beers and play bocci ball.  In the afternoon we walked around the botanical gardens and then I just grabbed some tasty thai takeaway food and watched movies in my room.


The flight was cancelled yet again.  Today I did more just hanging around the river Avon and outdoor mall with the wireless and watched some movies in my room

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