Saturday, June 16, 2012



It snowed a bit overnight in Copacabana, and we spent the morning walking around the market streets of Copacabana for a bit before heading back to La Paz as we had an important game to get to. When we got to La Paz, we first took a taxi up to a big viewpoint of the city from a suburb calle El Alto. From here you could see all of La Paz as well as some of the big mountains including a good view of Huayna Potosi (6088m) which I was planning to climb. After this, as it was saturday and a big market day, we walked through streets and streets of streets closed off to traffic for the markets as we walked to our hotel. They sold anything and everything and it was like a supertarget or superwalmart, but on streets.

We made it back to our hotel just in time to get to the Bolivia vs Paraguay soccer game. Right now they are having the South American qualifiers for either the london olympics or for the 2014 world up in Rio. We weren´t quite sure, but anyways, the teams in South America are competing to get into one of the big tournaments. Before we entered the stadium, we had some less than a dollar brats and got our faces painted for Bolivia. The tickets to the game cost us just 7 bucks. It was a fun game as Bolivia won 3-1 and we had fun joining in the cheers such as Bo---liv---via, viva bolivia, and yelling Vamos, which is one of Bolivianos favorite phrases to yell whether on a crowded street, in a stopped bus, or at a soccer game. I also enjoyed pretending to be like one of the rich fans in my dad's section at CU games by ordering a lot of food that vendors were selling in the stands. Hey, when you can buy steak sandwiches for less than a dollar and mango icecream for 40 cents, why not? It was Laura, the foodie food scientist's last night, so we of course headed out at night for some tasty street food.


In the morning we explored some more of La Paz including the central market and of course more street food. One of the cool things about traveling with Laura is that unlike other people she is not afraid to hit the streetfood which is almost always more delicious, always cheaper, and actually probably cleaner anyways bc you can see it being cooked over the fire. We also enjoy finding these places that serve what is called Almuerzo (lunch) which is a 4 course lunch with meet that is always less than 3 bucks. And you just find one hopping with locals and you know it is good.

In the afternoon I sent Laura off in a taxi to the airport. I immediately did feel a bit sad and lonely. We had traveled a lot together and she was a good travel companion, not only bc we had similar travel styles but bc sometimes it is just nice to travel with an American as weird as that may sound. We have our own inside jokes and culture and its nice to talk about it. And on top of it, she was a scientist and you dont often get to talk with people in a more intelligent way past the usual travel talk, so I enjoyed that. And I definitely ate well with her bc she wanted to try everything, but rarely finished anything. After she left I set to work preparing for my trek the next day.

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