Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Oceanic Society Trip: Raja Ampat


I had been having a pretty bad sore throat the last few days, so I went to urgent care to confirm it wasn't strept throat. It wasn't. 


Drove early morning to Gunnison. First time flying out of GUC. Fancy and quaint as you might imagine. Only need to be there 40 minutes early, and even then you're through check in and security in under 10 minutes. A very scenic flight over the Rockies to Denver.

Layover in Denver with some Einstein Bros bagels. I'm getting over being sick. Very long flight from Denver to Tokyo Narita. Good food, good movies. During my layover in Tokyo, I had some Ramen.


Overnight All Nippon Air flight to Jakarta. Still feeling a bit sick. I arrived about midnight to Jakarta. The airport is now fancy. While trying to get money out of the ATM, the machine ate my card! Luckily I carry a spare. Took the shuttle to my fancy hotel, FM7. Nice big bed and great AC, almost too cold!


FANTASTIC included breakfast with Thai, Indo, American, and European specialties. Special ginger drinks too! Took a moto taxi with the app 'Grab' for a 55 minute "white knuckle" weaving through traffic (and pollution) ride to old town Jakarta. Ahh, the Jakarta I remember from my backpacking years. Old town Jakarta was quiet--Old Dutch buildings and architecture. I met many friendly people. I walked to the port though small, smelly alleyways full of cats and people. I took a little wooden boat ride to view the ships of the port. They're of the old style--wooden phinisi--and it's amazing they can float. A young boy and his young brother took me on the tour. 

I then walked back to Kota Tua (Dutch Old City), then to Chinatown where I bought some mangoes and visited a Buddhist temple. I walked past Little India, then meandered local streets to reach the monument nationale. Along the way, there were lots of waves, smiles, and "hello mister"s. My favorite thing was a little kids ride, like what we'd have outside a store for 25 cents that is electric, but this one was powered by a guy pedaling. The national monument was interesting--tall phallus like our Washington National Monument. I next visited the largest mosque in SE Asia, which was adjacent to a beautiful Catholic cathedral. I then took a grab cab back to the hotel which took 80 mins! Jakarta traffic is no joke!

At the hotel, I enjoyed a delicious dinner with Roti Chenai for appetizer, Thom Yum for main, and coconut ice cream in a young coconut for dessert. I had sour sop juice for drink. I was pretty tired, so I turned on the TV and fell asleep. 

I can't get over just how friendly the Indonesians are. I know that I knew this (about most SE Asians) during my backpacking years, but I guess one forgets.

10/31 Happy Halloween!

 Again, an amazing breakfast. After breakfast I worked on my lectures. I had a delicious lunch of Laksa (similar to a Thai curry) and mango ice cream. Drink was a "spooky" (devil horns) strawberry mocktail. 

I then had a great (and much needed) spa day. I ran 4 miles on the treadmill, then hit their really nice pool. I then had a 90 minute massage ($20). Then I had a pedicure ($6). For dinner I had curry, satay, and a young coconut for drink. 

I met the Oceanic group at the airport at 10pm. I was wearing my Halloween costume, which they liked and I gave out candy for those who said 'trick or treat'


We had a very late overnight flight to Sorong on Irian Jaya (The Indonesian side of Irian Jaya). When we arrived to Sorong, we were met by Dalton and some crew. I worked with Dalton the last time I led a trip here. He's the Indonesian, local guide. He is very nice! We shuttled to the port and then hopped aboard tenders to take us to our fancy Phinisi boat, "Dancing Wind". There are 8 cabins total, and it's a very nice boat. I have my own ensuite cabin located near the bow. There are 13 guests, me, Dalton, and 17 crew. We had breakfast and then set sail.

In the afternoon we had a 'checkout' snorkel where we saw lots of bumphead parrotfish and some reef sharks. Delicious lunch and dinner. I gave a quick presentation that was mostly and intro about me. Nice sunset from the top of the boat.

**When I note the fish we saw, I'm just noting the especially interesting (to me) or rare fish. Of course, on every snorkel, we saw just tons and tons of classic reef fish**


Yummy breakfast and then a morning snorkel. Saw a huge cuttlefish and some trumpet fish. Huge school of scads. Lunch was lots of political talk with the upcoming election. Everyone on the boat is very progressive as you might expect from an ocean conservation society trip. The afternoon snorkel was great. So many good coral and fish! I found a nudibranch, juvenile angelfish, and manta ray! The manta ray was awesome! 

In the evening we went to a place to hike up to a viewpoint. Looking at the mushroom karst islands and blue water is just amazing! We had a young coconut to drink and eat for refreshment. Gorgeous sunset as we left and headed back to the boat.


We took a dawn boat ride around more cool karst islands and landed on a small white sand beach. Once back, I convinced Dalton to let me go with a couple crew to hike up to a viewpoint in the area this is more treacherous (not suitable for this group!) as it climbs steeply on karst rock and even utilizes rope. It had an amazing view of course! 

On the morning snorkel we saw cuttlefish, bumphead parrotfish, and tons of HUGE giant clams. No luck finding mantas at the manta point. In the afternoon we went to shark beach where we had happy hour with the sharks (black-tipped). As we had our beers, lots of sharks swam around our and threw our legs. A pretty unique and crazy experience. I gave my first talk. Lobster for dinner.


We had an early morning small boat tour through the islands; beautiful water an islands. We saw a hornbill, eagle, and dolphins. We also stopped by an area with ancient hieroglyphics. Our morning snorkel was along an amazing wall with lots of nudibranchs. Also saw stonefish, lionfish, a turtle, and lots of cool corals.

We took an afternoon tour to a pearl farm, which was pretty interesting. We got to see them remove some pearls from oysters. 

We had a very productive night snorkel: 2 wobbegong sharks, 1 epaulette (walking) shark, frogfish, seahorse, flounder lionfish, scorpionfish, 2 blue-spotted rays, giant school of scads. When we got back to the boat, we had a dance party on deck before dinner.


We had a morning snorkel along a cool wall with tons of nudibranchs. They were all over the place. We also saw a crocodile flathead fish, pipefish, and scorpionfish. And there was just unbelievable corals and sponges. The afternoon snorkel had more nudibranchs, and a couple cuttlefish. I did some sunset journaling and hanging on the ship deck. As we were sailing we saw a sperm whale and breaching calf right at sunset. Amazing!


We took a morning bird boatride. We saw some cockatoos and hornbills as well as a couple of dolphins. Our morning snorkel was near mangroves. We saw archerfish, nudibranchs, juvenile flathead crocodile fish, a sea turtle, huge school of scad (that were fun to swim through!), and a banded sea snake. 

I saw an oceanic manta ray from the bow of the boat after lunch. After lunch we were able to find the manta and swim with it a couple of times! Awesome! It was very big and rather white, so it glowed like the manta in Moana.

During the afternoon snorkel we saw a cool epaulette (walking) shark. And lots of pretty and larger fish (ex. angelfish, triggerfish). We also got to swim in a huge school of scad, which was a lot of fun. We saw dolphins from the deck of the boat at sunset. 

It was a somber mood here on the ship due to the election results. As you might imagine, folks on a conservation focused trip aren't fans of Trump.


We had a morning snorkel where we saw some Napoleon wrasses, a couple giant pufferfish, cuttlefish, moray eels, lobster, and a flathead alligator fish. On the afternoon snorkel, more cuttlefish and alligator flathead fish. Lots of really nice soft coral.


A very early (4:30am) departure for the hike to see Birds of Paradise. It's a decent uphill and hot and humid. One lady had a lot of trouble and nearly passed out. Myself and one of the crew laid her on the ground, and I fanned her. But she wanted to keep going, so I fanned her the entire way up to the bird of paradise lek, and she made it. 

We saw 19 birds of paradise really putting on a show. Back in the village we took a tour of the school, and the kids sang for us, which was cool. 

On the morning snorkel the highlight was a walking shark. The afternoon snorkel was along a cool deep wall. We saw some alligator fish and nudibranchs. 

In the evening, Bob and Karyn told me that Karyn tested positive for covid. A big stress added to the trip. Seems like everyone is getting sick! In the end everyone got sick, except for me. Though I got a minor runny nose for a day on my flight back.


On the morning snorkel, we saw a couple black-tipped reef sharks (one pretty big), a young hawksbill turtle, a scorpion fish, and some squid. The best thing was probably these 6 teeny-tiny sergeant-major juvenile fish (smaller than my pinky fingernail) that swam right alongside my (by my mask) for a really long time (~1/2 hour). The afternoon snorkel along some nice coral.

Before sunset we took a boat to a small island to watch the sunset and giant fruit bats (flying foxes) emerging from the trees for the night with beers and snacks. Sunset was just incredible! And it was especially cool with the boat silhouetted against the red sky. As it started to get dark, thousands of fruit bats took wing into the sky.


We had a really great morning snorkel. Such clear water and so many fish!, including lots of big ones. We saw a couple turtles, reef sharks, barracuda, unicornfish, lots of big triggerfish, angelfish, etc. The afternoon snorkel was also nice with turtles, giant sweet lips, and more. 

Dinner was on the top deck in the open air with lobster and ice cream! I gave my last talk


In the morning we visited another village and the school. More song and dance. The morning snorkel had lots of sea turtles (both green and hawksbill), a couple sharks, barracuda, and giant sweetlips. I gave some travelogues (about Antarctica and Mpala). 

In the afternoon we set sail for Sorong. After arrival to the harbor of Sorong, we had our last dinner. At night I hung out with the crew a bit. Egand was so nice as he gave me a book he had made with drawings of dive sites around Raja Ampat. It really touched me. It would have been a lot of work, not to mention money for materials to bind the book. Some other notable crew members were Fauni and Gusti (dining staff); Maria (assistant chef), Egand and Andre (assistant dive masters); Michael (engineer and helper and biggest and happiest smile); and 'Muscles', (tender operator). 


Early morning departure from the Dancing Wind to the Sorong Airport. Flight to Jakarta. I stayed at the Anara Hotel, which is basically right in the airport. So I spent part of the afternoon just exploring the airport and eating good Indonesian food. And I watched some movies at the hotel before going out for a last dinner (Balinese cuisine)


Had a 4am wake-up to catch my flight to Singapore. At Singapore I had a couple hours to explore its magnificent airport. They have some cool gardens and then realistic video projection things on the ceilings and walls, including a cool waterfall. I didn't have time, however, to make it to the actual true waterfall--the largest indoor waterfall in the world. I exited the airport into actual Singapore, but Singapore no longer gives stamps on passports =(

Long flight to San Francisco, but I had a whole row to myself and lots of good movies.  After a layover in San Fran, I flew to Denver where I had a really long layover. Mom met me, and we went out for dinner and Christmas themed tropical cocktails at the hotel restaurant attached to the airport. COLD in Denver. 

Then it was the flight to Crested Butte. The plane was basically empty. Just 5 of us on it. The flight was cool though as it was a near full moon and it lit up the snowy mountains. We arrived to an empty, of course, airport. I walked the 1/2ish mile to billy's house where my car was being stored. It was definitely cold! The drive back into Gothic was on a snow-covered road (about 5" of fresh snow) and a chilly cabin since Elisha was in Montana

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