Friday, November 1, 2019

Start of our 5th year senior season in Antarctica

11/2/19 Well, we've been in McMurdo for a couple of weeks now. Things are going well and improving. My job and work center are amazing again this year. We've been doing a lot of training in my job and getting ready for the season, but we have done the first flush and monthly water sampling for the station and a lot of shoveling and organizing.
I'm on the SAR team again, so last week I was out training on the crevasse simulator (or SAR-chasm as it's known here). If you've seen any documentary conspiracy theory things about aliens, they often show satellite photos of the crevasse simulator with tractors inside digging it out and point to them being space ships. haha.

We're pretty busy each day. We're playing league volleyball (league is new this year), doing the high intensity workout that Mitch is the POC for (known lovingly as Mitch-body since the program is normally called Beach Body), and I'm playing basketball. We also went to a very good open mic night the other night and other activities still abound (trivia, stitch n bitch, finance club, spanish club, swing dance, yoga, and more)

Team Enviro: L to R: Laura, me, Marci

me at fire training

laura giving the training we give to all scientists and people going into the field

Marci and I water sampling

Laura and I shoveling out our storage

Elisha and I on top of ob hill

inside the gammov bag, used to keep sick people alive in high altitude situations

high altitude rescue training

sampling water at Gallaghers Bar

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