Saturday, October 25, 2014

"No one poaches african elephants, they're so much better fried"

Oct 1.

The Title is a quote from the Colbert Report tonight.

Today we found out that there had been an attempted poaching on one of Mpala's Elephants.  It had been shot in the shoulder but had survived.  So we went with the KWS vet to see what we could do to help it.

When we got there, the vet immobilized the mighty elephant with a tranquilizer dart.  After the elephant fell over and became immobilized, we rushed over to it to clear away all bushes and try to make it comfortable.  The vet then went ahead and cleaned out the wound, checked to see if the bone was broken (it didn't appear to be, if it had they would have had to shoot it b/c it wouldn't survive), gave it lots of hydrogen peroxide to remove puss and then lots of antibiotic shots.

The vet then gave the elephant the reversal drug and we all ran back to the safety of our vehicles.  The vet told some of the KWS rangers that if the elephant was unable to stand back up, they must shoot it dead, so we were all cheering for the wobbly elephant to be able to stand back up.  Fortunately it was able to!

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