Friday, January 25, 2013

Royalty Visits Crary Lab and Huge Snowstorm


Yesterday the prime minister of New Zealand John Key, was on base.  He came and toured the Crary Lab, so I got to meet him.  I had worked really hard to make the aquarium look really nice, and apparently he liked it.  While he toured the lab, he and his wife and security guys kept their jackets in Abe and my office, so apparently they trusted us.

He ate in the galley with everyone as well.  When I got there he was enjoying frosty boy, but I had to applaud the galley for serving tot-cho bar (tater tots with nacho toppings) on the day the prime minister came through, considering all the amazing lunches we had had in a row.

My way high up boss Esther Hill was also visiting, and she brought us blueberries, apricots, and bing cherries!  We haven't had fresh fruit in so long due to the C-17 not flying the months of December and January

It dumped and dumped snow all day yesterday.  It was gorgeous and like a Colorado snowstorm.  It snowed at least a foot, but hard to tell with the drifting snow caused by the wind.  There were some giant drifts.  But the snow was definitely unusual for this dry place and I've never seen it snow here even close to that much.  Elisha and I went out for a run in the beautiful snow storm last night.  Today was supposed to be the Marathon, but unfortunately it was cancelled bc of the storm (hopefully it will be rescheduled bc I was very excited to do it this year!), so instead Elisha and I did a bit of a hike and then played around in the deep snow around base and jumped off things into the deep and soft snow drifts


Skied out to LDB and back and then joined Mitch, Zach and company for some beers and fun at Scott Base

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