Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Fall in Crested Butte (and trips: Durango, Silverton, Telluride, Aspen, Snowmass)

 Day to day life is quite similar in the fall as it is in the summer. The days are of course shorter and it can be quite chilly. The big excitement is that the fall colors come and the world turns a shimmering gold with deep blue skies and often white, snow-capped peaks. 

During the fall we found out where the AMF2 site was going to move. It was down to 3 final candidates: Peruvian Amazon, Dolomites of Italy, and Tasmania in Australia. They ended up picking Tasmania in a place called Cape Grim (aptly named) near to Smithton. So this started what has been a prolonged stress of deciding whether we'd go to Tasmania or stay in CB or go to Antarctica or do something different. It's still very much up in the air as of this writing (5/31). It's too much for me to want to write about here, but anyone interested is welcome to contact me and I'm happy to tell you all about it, and we'd love to hear your thoughts. We have a long pros and cons list going for each place and each decision. But details of Tasmania keep changing, and we don't have the contract yet.

There's a beautiful mtn bike ride, Deer Creek, that connects Brush Creek area with Gothic, so I started getting up real early to commute from there from time to time (about 2-3 hours commute)


Leaves are starting to change to brilliant yellow! Lots of mountain biking. Attended the vinatook festival in CB where they burn the grump. It's an interesting passion style production and has to do with fall harvest and renewal. Wayne from the Oceanic Society visited.


First significant snow. So beautiful with the white mtns and yellow leaves!


Sue came out to visit (as were my parents briefly). We showed her a bit around Crested Butte. Then we did a road trip going over Ohio Pass to see the aspens, then through Montrose and Ouray up and over Red Mountain, Coal Bank, and Molas Passes to check out the aspens eventually arriving in Durango where we stayed at a budget hotel. We then road the Durango-Silverton steam train up to Silverton and back to enjoy the colors. In the evening Elisha and I had dinner with Amy Donahue and her husband (old EPHS and RMNP friend) Early the next morning I did a mtn bike ride in Durango before we headed out to Telluride via Lizard Head Pass. We road the gondolas and Elisha and Sue toured Telluride while I rode my mtn bike. We then managed to take the subie up and over Last Dollar pass and road and fairly rough dirt road between Telluride and Dallas Divide (near Ridgeway.


Fall continued with more biking and fall color adventures and a positive covid test


Frank took me flying in his little 2 person airplane thing! We flew from Gunnison towards CB, but didn't make it to Gothic b/c of some weird winds.


Drove over Kebler pass and it's amazing Aspen forests in Gunther. I did a mtn bike ride while Elisha took a walk in the aspens. We then camped over by the Crystal River. The next morning we soaked in Penny Hot Springs (a primitive hot springs) and then drove to Snowmass where I mtn biked. We finished the trip by taking Gunther over Independence Pass


We hiked to Conundrum hot springs, a primitive hot springs that is about an 11 mile hike from Gothic over 13,500 foot Triangle Pass. It was a tough hike with some snow over the pass. But totally worth it! We were basically the only ones at the hot springs area and always had the hot springs to ourselves! It's a beautiful setting with high mountains (and a 14er) as the backdrop to an alpine valley in this hot springs pool. Because the weather was rather chilly, we spent a lot of time in the hot springs. So amazing!


Pretty big snow in Gothic and I hiked up to Copper Lake


Some more big snow and we were starting to to xc ski!

Summer in Crested Butte (and trips: Buena Vista, Joyful Journey Hot Springs, Moffat, Del Norte, Telluride, Aspen, Silverton, Alma, Estes Park, Denver)

 The "journal" below is very basic day to day highlights; however, a day to day description of what goes on may be of interest.

I'm still working for the DOE's AMF2 (ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) Mobile Facility) that is located in Gothic, CO at RMBL (Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. The summer is beautiful in Gothic. It's green with flowers everywhere, clear creeks rushing by and wildlife out everywhere, including the resident deer, moose, marmots, and foxes. We even had some small birds build a nest with little chicks on our covered entrance. In the spring, we even have a couple creeks that rush right by the cabin, one that is a cascade we can see out the window. RMBL is fairly busy in the summer with lots of researchers (professors, post-docs, and grad students) as well as undergrads and even some high schoolers taking courses. During the summer I mostly stay at our condo in Mt CB when I'm working in Gothic since the road is open. It's about a 6 mile commute from home to Gothic, and I commute via bicycle. It's a beautiful ride full of views, rushing creeks, and wildlife encounters. I do the morning work at our site, but often do the paperwork from my cabin, which has the wonderful view of Gothic mountain. Gothic is always a quiet and beautiful paradise to chill at if I don't go home.

After work I commute home by bike, and then almost always go for a mtn bike ride somewhere in the valley, though occasionally I go for a hike. We have lots of trails that are reached right away from near our Condo. And then others that are a few minutes drive away. Then there is a really classic one--the 401--that I can hit right from Gothic. It's a great loop to do after work or even for a longer lunch. Anyways, there is a seemingly endless amount of mtn biking in the area if you include MT CB, CB, and CB South. Then of course there is Gunnison and over Kebler Pass.

We also have the site up on the ski resort (Crested Butte Mountain Resort aka CBMR). The schedule is that I work 4 weeks in Gothic and then 2 up at CBMR. But because I cover weekends, I'll visit bot the CBMR and Gothic sites on weekends. To reach the CBMR site I take a steep single track from nearly out of our condo up to it. Then coming home I have my choice of 8 or so single track trails that come back down to the base. And I usually do this routine at lunch as well. Ride a singletrack down to grab a quick lunch at home and then head back up. 

We also were on a softball team that we had a game weekly. Then Monday nights is Alpenglow, a free concert series down in CB and on Wednesdays is Music on the Mtn up at Mount Crested Butte.


May 31-June 2: Birthday Trip!

We drove over cottonwood pass to Cottonwood hotsprings, where we enjoyed the beautiful hot springs in the evening. We then camped in my car up by a lake in the area.

The next day we stopped by the hot springs again and then went and did quite a lot of mtn biking in Buena Vista. We also enjoyed the river and some ice cream around town. We then drove to Moffat to Joyful Journey Hot Springs where we soaked and stayed in a really cool Teepee with a backdrop of the Sangre De Cristo mountains.

The next day we mtn biked the really awesome Penitente Canyon near Del Norte! Super cool with lots of granite rock riding (like moab style over the rocks). Really fun. On the way home we stopped for Mexican at one of the small towns

June 3-June 4

More mountain biking and more fox pup viewing. Watched Avalanche Stanley Cup game at pitas in paradise with the free jello shots. 


Climbed Mt Crested Butte


Climbed Mt Crested Butte with Elisha before my mom came and she took me out to a birthday dinner at an Italian place in town


Mtn biking by myself before mtn biking with mom and Elisha. Showed mom the fox pups and toured her around Gothic. Campfire with mom at the Gothic Campground for a weenie roast and cookie dough


Camped out at the Gothic campground with Elisha


Many mtn bike rides and the flowers are just starting to really pop!


I got a stomach bug (the runs) so we didn't start on our trip to Telluride too early. But eventually felt a bit better so drove to Ridgeway and had gnar tacos and then camped at the foot of mt sneffels. Long night with the runs! 

Next day did some mtn biking in Telluride and then went to the Telluride bluegrass festival. Went to some of the free shows but then accidentally snuck into the festival via a bike trail


Chilling around Crested Butte with lots of mtn biking and flowers of course. Very beautiful out in Gothic.


Drove to Estes via beautiful Trail Ridge Road.  Went to water world with mom! A bit chilly but lots of fun. Then went to an Avalanche stanley cup watch party in downtown denver with Mom


CB Kebler Pass Chainless Race! I dressed as an avalanche player and Elisha as an Avalanche Forecaster. The race is fun. No chain and you just glide down. Everyone is costumed and there are people with big speakers. When they pull over it just starts a dance party on the road. Very fun. Avalanche game party afterwards


Avalanche win the cup! I watch at the eldo with some new friends and fellow Avs fans


Lots and lots of mtn biking. Flowers are really popping. Deer fawns are out. I help out with a night survey of bumble bees. Free music festivals (Wednesday night at Mt CB and Monday night at CB) are going on.  Some hiking as well as biking. Cool sidewalk chalk art competition. Paul from LANL is helping out.


Independence day parade and town water fight. Evening "fireworks" show at Mt CB. Not really fireworks but lasers.


Mom and dad are visiting. Do some hikes including up to Scarp Ridge with all the flowers and hikes around Mt CB. Some nice dinners as well


More flower hikes and mtn biking, including climbing up in to Virginia basin. Campfires by the cabin. I climb up Avery peak. Lunch at a thai place in town to celebrate our Anniversary.  Sunset drinks and appetizers sitting in a chairlift up on the ski hill.


Climbed White Rock mountain with M-nugget. Big and cool climb!


Hike up West Maroon pass and 2 other passes. Such AMAZING wildflowers! So great. Also house sitting some cats


Gunnison county rodeo


More mtn biking and flowers


Hiked over West Maroon pass to Maroon lake with the gorgeous views of the Maroon Bells. Took a bus down to Aspen to walk around town and get a pizza and ice cream. Then bussed up to Snowmass to meet our old ice rink boss, Sara. She treated us to a nice dinner and drinks and then we watched a comedy show there. Spent the night at Sara's and then the next day hiked up over East Maroon pass to Copper Lake and into Gothic where we had dinner at RMBL's cafeteria. 


More biking and also a drive paradise divide for a sunset picnic


Climbed Gothic mountain. 


Biked 401 with Elisha. (Have already biked in many times)


Hiked Treasury mountain before our softball game


Lots more mountain biking amongst the beautiful flowers!

Last softball game with our Irwin Mother Tuckers softball team. 


Drove to Silverton and camped in the car up on Red Mtn Pass. Next day we got up early and hiked to Columbine Lake. It was super beautiful! The blue color was just amazing! We also hiked up a peak nearby (T11) with views of other lakes including one that looked like a heart. After our hike we soaked in a non-developed (and secret) hot springs before heading down to Silverton and setting up a tent at a nice campsite along the river (had to cross a little stream to get to it, so on a little island). The next day we hiked to Ice Lake in a beautiful basin. The wildflowers were amazing but better yet was the amazing reflection of the red San Juan mountains in the blue water. We then hiked up over a pass (not the standard way, no trail) to get to a gorgeous overlook of emerald Island lake before descending down to Island lake. As the name suggests, it has an island in the middle of the glacier green colored waters, surrounded by wildflowers of course. We then hiked up another pass and I climbed up to the top of a peak (Vermilion 2). Made it back down in some hail and thunder.


Plenty more fun mtn bike rides in the area and life around Gothic


Drove over Cottonwood Pass to Mt. Princeton hot springs for a soak. Then drove up to Alma where we camped in our car and got up really early in the morning for the DeCaLiBron loop hike. It covers four 14ers (Democrat, Cameron, Lincoln, and Bross).  We were able to successfully summit all 4.


Many more mountain bike rides and hikes amongst the flowers. 80's cover band at the I-bar ranch


We hiked Schofield pass down to the ghost town of Crystal and the famous Crystal Mill, which is very picturesque


More biking around Crested Butte


Made a trip to the Front Range to climb Longs Peak. We got up super early on the 31st and arrived to Chasm lake before sunrise. Super beautiful up there. We then hiked up the Loft route to the top of Mt Meeker (13,911), before continuing on to summit Longs Peak (14,259, meeting the trail at the Homestretch). Great views from the top, including Lake Haiyaha, which had recently changed color to a glacial green after a major rockslide in the basin above it (Chaos Canyon). Unusually, it was an empty summit, and for a while we were the only ones up there. We hiked down through the standard homestretch, narrows, ledges, keyhole, boulderfield route. That night we had ice cream with Lisa Foster and her daughter to celebrate. Lisa is famous for being the woman with the most ascents (197 and counting) and for being the person with the most consecutive months climbing it (36 and running).

 The next day I hiked up to see Lake Haiyaha and it's changed colors up close. Super cool! We also bought Elisha a van for camping (Gunther). We drove down to Denver and went to Meow Wolf, which was cool. Their dancing room where the lights and such would follow you around was one of my favorite experiences of the entire summer! I could have danced and chased lights in there for a long, long time. But then before it got too late we headed out to spend the night with my old boss Nate Dub.  The next day Elisha drove Gunther over Cottonwood pass to CB


More fun mtn biking. And Lisa stopped by Gothic for a visit


I hiked up famous Teocalli mountain. I first biked the Teocalli ridge loop to get up close to it, then hiked the last 2000 or so feet. Then of course when I was reunited with my bike I had the fun descent back to the car. That evening we went to Teocalli burritos to celebrate and then drove up the Slate River to camp in Gunther for the first time.


More biking, including a bike trip that took us to a lake where we paddled around


We were given a free night to stay at Elisha's Taylor River Lodge. Super fancy! They served us fancy hor's devours and cocktails. We biked the tandem bike around a little bit and walked along the river. We had a fancy (several course) dinner and then got to hang out at the hot tubs, pool, an steam rooms, before retiring to the nice riverside cabin.


More mtn biking


Life in Gothic and Mount Crested Butte 4/1/22-5/30/22


We left Phoenix, not as early as we'd hoped. We drove from Phoenix up through Payson and then on to Petrified Forest National Park, where we spent a couple hours doing the touristy viewpoints and short walks to see the really cool rock trees! We then continued on and spent the night in Cortez, CO.


We drove up and over Lizard Head Pass and eventually made it to Crested Butte in time to enjoy apres ski cocktails with my mom, bro, and Mary. We had dinner over at Zach and Mary's house


Spent the day getting ready for my job (packing and getting food to last me potentially 4 weeks) and quite a bit of time stressing about the new job.


I met my boss in the morning--he had driven over from his office in Pagosa Springs--and we snowshoed into Gothic where I met Wess, the lead site technician. My boss said farewell and then it was just Wess and I. Wess is a really good cook, and he enjoys cooking, so he made me a yummy dinner of pork loin. Beautiful blue bird day.


Began my training on how to monitor and take care of the various instruments. Snow storm today


I met Red Lady, a red fox that comes around quite often for the first time. She is very curious and fearless. I named her after the Red Lady Mountain. She'll seit on the deck railings and look at us. In the morning, we sometimes see her running through the Aspens towards our cabin. 

Here's a very interesting short piece about Red Lady Mountain: 


The rest of my gear and food came in on the snowmobile, courtesy of Nick the snowmobile driver (who happens to be dating my cousin)


Elisha hiked in for lunch and to see the place. It also happened that Zach and a few of his friends skied down Gothic mountain and also showed up. Wess served them all elk stew. There are 2 moose that we often see around the station: a mom and her yearling calf. Today was the first day I saw them as they strolled through town. Also played around a bit on the E-fat tire bike


I skied to town towing the sled and my laundry and a few things for my first "weekend"


Went for a ski up Washington Gulch with Elisha and then watched a movie at Zach and Mary's house


Biked back to Gothic in the early morning with Elisha. When I got done with work we skied up to Judd Falls and to the area where a giant avalanche came down and buried a large bathroom structure. Elisha stayed over the night and Wess made a fancy dinner of steak, asparagus, potatoes, and grilled pineapple.


I towed Elisha back to town, me biking and her on skis.


Big snowstorm came in


I went exploring around on snowshoes as the storm continued


Went for a ski in the fresh snow higher up into the valley. The river is starting to melt so it makes a cool contrast between the white snow


It snowed a lot overnight. After my rounds, I skied back to town pulling the sled through the powder. I helped Elisha unload some things and then we drove to Estes Park to drop off my parents car


Did some shopping in Boulder, looking for xc ski (unsuccessful). On the way back to Crested Butte, we stopped in Salida to see my former boss Nate and his girlfriend Treasure. We arranged to meet that at the Biker and the Baker, and we were surprised to also find his brother K-Dub (who I worked with in Greenland besides Antarctica) and Gavin and Robyn (from Antarctica). 


Chill Sunday. We had the house to ourselves as our roommate Hillary was doing a triathlon (ski then bike then whitewater kayak), so we enjoyed staying at the house, with the fire on, and watching a musical


Skied back to Gothic. Elisha joined me for a bit of it before turning back. After work I fat-tire biked back to CB to hang out with Elisha. We made dinner and watched a movie at Zach's since Elisha is house sitting for them (watering their plants). Also found out the 3rd person, James, on our team had been hospitalized (perhaps from a ruptured spleen)


Wess skied out to town so that we could cover James' Crested Butte portion, and we went out to breakfast in downtown CB. Being mud season, town is dead and most places are closed. We then skied back to Gothic


Packed up my stuff and took the weekly snowmobile back to town as I am going to be starting my CB sting. Started training with Juarez from the Los Alamos National Lab at the CBMR (Crested Butte Mountain Resort) portion of the SAIL project, called the AOS (Aerosol Observing System). He's originally from Brazil. Elisha flew from Montrose to LA today to hang out with friends, which is a bummer since it's my 2 weeks in Crested Butte. Hillary and I hung out and chatted, getting to know each other.


More training up at the AOS site. Street party at Pitchfork (neighborhood where my brother lives) for a birthday (actually of the girl who told my brother Hillary was looking for a roommate). 


It started snowing hard in the afternoon. I took the e-fat tire bike and biked in the heavy snowfall down to Crested Butte and then up Kebler Pass road to the point it is closed to cars due to snow, then I continued for a couple more miles up the road. Fun to play in the snow


It snowed 12+ inches overnight. I pedaled the fat tire bike up to our parking lot where Juarez picked me up. We tried to get up the road in his vehicle, but he got stuck. So we had to go back down to get my car. The good ole PBR was able to get up the road to get to the trailhead to walk to the AOS site.

Because of all the snow, I wanted to do some backcountry touring, but my skis were in Gothic. I also needed to return the bike to Wess. So I tried biking out to Gothic. The snow was just too deep! It was impossible to bike even with the pedal assist. I tried to push the bike, but I was post-holing through deep snow. It felt like I was going to have to just abandon the plan and abandon the bike BUT, I was carrying cross country skis on my back so that I could ski back to CB with my touring skis and boots on my back. So I had the brilliant idea of putting my skis on and pushing my bike. It worked really well, and it left a really funny 3 lined track in the fresh powder. It was definitely beautiful ou there in Gothic with all the fresh snow


My day off, so I did several touring laps on the ski resort mountain (they close Crested Butte Resort very early despite having plenty of snow because they just don't have the help to keep it running). In the evening I drove to Gunnison to pick up mail for work (We have a mobile home in Gunnison). I got to meet James who is the guy quitting, but who had to end the job early b/c of a ruptured spleen.


Did a sunset ski up on the mountain after work


Today we switched out trainers and John from Los Alamos National Laboratory drove up to start training me. Another sunset ski up on the mountain. Had a meeting with the RMBL bigwigs down in Crested Butte


Another sunset ski, this time to the top of Crested Butte mountain.


Another ski up Paradise bowl, then bought a 6 pack of beers at the local Mt CB liquor store and drank them with John at the base area


Skied up CBMR


After work I skied from the Snodgrass parking lot to Gothic to Emerald Lake (which was frozen), and up to Schofield Pass and a little bit beyond. The total round trip was just over 20 miles. Very beautiful through the snowy mountains during this warm bluebird day. The river is starting to melt out and starting to rush. Fun to ski back down from Schofield

Elisha arrived around 7pm after her time in California. So happy to see her!

May Day

Elisha and I skied up Paradise bowl and enjoyed a beer while sitting in one of the closed chairlifts. In the afternoon we biked down to Crested Butte and explored it a bit on our bikes (it's so empty in town right now! how it should be!) before we headed to Pitas in Paradise for a really good and cheap happy hour. In the evening we went on a date to the always yummy Secret Stash.


Snowed 5 or 6 inches, so I skied a powder lap at Paradise bowl before starting work


Skied most days after work


Birthday party for Ace Hardware's cat, Mr. Jingles. Free tacos, free beer, and a mariachi metal band. Quite the party


Snowed about 6" overnight, but not as much as the front range which got about 18"


Had my brother over for dinner to watch the Avs and to CELEBRATE he and M-nuggs getting engaged while they were in France and Greece


Bro and I went for a really beautiful bike ride and at the end a huge snowstorm rolled in


Bike and picnic with Elisha


Skied some laps up at Cottonwood pass after our softball game


Had Zach over for White Russians for my birthday and did some mtn biking in Gunnison


Really yummy bbq provided by Wess and fire out at the cabin for Memorial Day


Finally got to see the new fox pups. So cute!!


Pretty big snowstorm, up to 6" at the AOS. Roasted hot dogs on the fire out by the cabin in the snow